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Looking about in some Kyaks at the camp I found a fetich image in one of them - this image was hung from the top just 

[[sketch depicting native men using a seine net to catch fish from the bay and bring them to shore]]

[[underline]]Seining in Eschscholtz Bay. [[/underline]]

Behind the man [[strikethrough]] hole [[/strikethrough]] and had the following shape + appearance- It was about 7 or 8 inches long + 3 inches in diameter 
"Profile View" 
[[image 2, bottom left page]]
front view
[[image 3, top right page]]
The teeth + tusks are from walrus teeth As shown on the opposite page the length of abdomen was occupied by a slit armed along each side by teeth which enclosed a rough Beluga like image I tried to buy this image but the owner said if he sold it he would die- And he carried it into his tent + concealed it very soon after I found it. After a short stay here I returned to the ship + we got under way to go to the north side of the bay when we suddenly brought up on a mud bank within a few hundred yards and were