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forced to lay here till in the afternoon when we got off on the high tide and steamed up behind the point of Choris Peninsula opposite Chamisso Is. & Anchored - 

September 10th
Prof M. & I took the cutter and took a cruise around the north shore of the bay spending all day at it.
We found the hills along Choris peninsula made up of talcose schist; then, extending along almost the entire north side of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Eschscholtz Bay, ran an alluvial deposit consisting of black mould Ending in a Bluff 30 to 40 feet high for several miles adjoining the Choris Peninsula near the Summit of this bluff

where it was exposed by the crumbling of the face [[strikethrough]] of the bluff [[/strikethrough]] were found scattered along numerous small bodies of ice varying in size from a yard in length & height to 30 yds long & 2 or 3 yds deep (as exposed to view) These masses of ice were formed irregularly sometimes extending down like roots & nearly always roughly wedge [[strikethrough]] shaped at lower end. These masses generally cut through the strata of the bluff showing they were of recent formation and probably produced by the infiltering of the water from the surface into crevices & depressions in the ground. At one place where the bluff had been cut by a stream of water in a narrow channel from summit to base the