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again. As we came up the bay we saw the low mts - just beyond the mouth of the Buckland R. covered on their summits by a cap of snow which fell last night- This being the first snow of the season.
Sept. 12th-Off Elephant Pt.
Early in am Prof M. went ashore to examine the coast from the sand spit at east end of the ice cliffs of Elephant Pt. along toward Buckland R. He returned just after midday & reports that he saw several other beaver nests (4) exposed by the caving bluff facing the shore. He also found the ice extending around the shore of the bay nearly to the Buckland R. mouth.

Capt. H was on shore opposite our anchorage & saw great numbers of Ptarmigan and on the 10th visit we saw many on the other side of the bay. Their presence here must account for the abundance of Gyrfalcons.
The Ptarmigan are preparing to go farther south. 
About 1:30 pm we were underway and steamed along the coast to the mouth of the Kūgūrūk River just east of Cape Deceit just off which we came to anchor in the eve. at dark-
Just as we came opposite the low bluff at the mouth of the river a signal fire was lit by some natives on shore & soon after we came to anchor a man came off in a kayak & we interviewed him.