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September 14th 
Berings Straits
At 7am we were passing the "Ears" which is a low rounded out back of the coast with a pair of pillars of rock rising close together on its summit wherever the [[?]] of the mt. These pillars must be very long if they are very distinct to the naked eye about 30 miles distant. 
A fine clean morning with bracing air and a smooth sea. A Gyrfalcon came circling about the ship this morning-
The tops of the mts. just East of Cape Pr. of wales and on East Cape showed fresh fallen snows on their summits, a 2 1/2 to 3 knot current running through the straits to the north delayed us very much so it was only about 3.30 PM that we passed the Cape and stood away down the coast to the SSE for St. Michaels The weather fine and clean so that East Cape and the Diomede Is. and Fairway Rock and Cape Pr. of wales and King Is were all visible as we passed through the straits the sky had a mellow yellow orange tinting under the Sun with a slight smoky haziness which made the weather particularly mild looking. The air was at from 48 to 49 degrees with water 47 to 48 degrees in

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[[image - sketch of the mountains and cape]]
View of Cape Pr. of Wales from the North 8 miles.
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