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flapping heavily along were forced to drop heavily & ignominiously upon the water & then try to dive but their buoyant plumage would bring them up like a cork as soon as they got under water - Scattered among this amusing lot of Petrels were a very few arries [[aeries]], Kotzebues & Glaucus [[Glaucous]] Gulls. Off to the left the form of the Priest ( stood out clearly and on every hand arose the sharp angled declivities all covered with [[strikethrough]] dar [[/strikethrough]] rich green from the matted vegetation covering their flanks & tops except where some extinct volcanic cone or windswept ridge thrusts its gray & brown [[strikethrough]] barren [[/strikethrough]] summit up like the tonsured poll of a monk-
At 4.37 PM, we anchored off the wharf in the snug little Harbor of Unalaska. The dark red paint of the houses relieved here & there by the [[strikethrough]] white [[strikethrough]] light colors of the church and a few other places made the front of the town appear very pleasant backed by the green slopes of the steeply rising hills [[strikethrough]] slopes [[strikethrough]] with the sparkling water of the mountain creek just behind.
Sept. 23
Fine pleasant day nearly calm but the long striae of linear cirrus [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] extending across the heavens & slowly thickening as the day progressed gave indications of an

Transcription Notes:
GG: 1: arries = probably aeries, ref to eagle's nests; Kotzebues (not sure which bird this refers to) & Glaucous gulls; 2: Priest Rock, in entrance to bay on Unalaska ALSO The Priest referred to on page 19 with sketch (& mention of Rodger's Fulmar (needs edit)), AND page 34: Oct 4th entry [[ ...Schr. "Kodiak" in tow stood out around the priest... ]] -- need to reopen for edit, reference: View of the Priest Rock at the entrance to Iliuliuk Bay of Unalaska Island. ; 3: tonsured monk (one who's taken monastic vows), ref for poll? ; 4: Unalaska is the placename (island)