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[[left page]] Where the color was dull whitish with gold & purple shades -- The large round eye glistened green like an emerald.

This makes the 3rd of this kind of fish which has run ashore here in the past 4 years.  This one was speared from a wharf & another hooked up on a gaff hook and one ran itself upon the beach and thus brought its own fate upon itself. In the eve, which was calm and pleasant the western sky was filled with a strange pale yellow light reaching up behind the mts. which stood out in sharp outlined relief as though drawn by pencil while the light wind wafted strange black masses of fantastically bordered clouds

[[right page]]
from the head of the bay across the sky in a mysterious file of silent ghostly forms which glided by & vanished in the thickening shades of night in the East and Northeast  The light had a peculiarly cold translucent shade difficult to describe but which seemed full of mysterious shadows ready to move out over the face of the Earth on fleet wings at a moments notice.

Sept. 28th
Fine pleasant day with masses of cumulus, gray and white tumbling and gliding over the ridges & away on the wings of the wind as though having a joyous frolic about the mountain tops during