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October 1st
Gale of wind and rain continued all day and kept all hands on board most of the time.

Fine pleasant day with scarcely a ripple breaking the surface of the water
Varying shades of light chased each other across the hills lingering on grassy banks or bringing out a stream over & then where it gurgles & splashes down the hill side towards the bay or perchance loses itself in the placid bosom by some pretty mt. lakelet which lies hidden up the hillside -
These lakes lie in little hollows all about on the 

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mt. sides & are a charming surprise to the wanderer as he makes his way toward the summit and suddenly stands on the edge of one of these pools whose surface is broken only by the gales making the summits their home or perhaps a handsomely arrayed trout springs out of the depths to capture some unwary insect as in the exuberence of his keen wild existence.  Delicate ferns & grasses nod & quiver around the border an appropriate frame for the picture.  At times the broad pinions of the Bald Eagle are mirrored in its surface or a family party of ptarmigan troop along its borders & stop to drink of its cool waters.

I improved the sunshine to secure some photos today

Transcription Notes:
GG: very flowery, poetic descriptions; could use another review for beginning of Oct 2nd entry