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Tues. Oct. 18th
Mild weather with Southerly & rather fresh winds all day accompanied by numerous misty showers & squalls of rain -
Made fair time and we are drawing in close to the Coast - In the eve, much more phosphorescence was visible [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] in the sea than has been seen before since leaving the Aleutian Is-

Wed. Oct. 19th
The morning opened bright & pleasant with the sun out at  intervals. About 8am - we passed a schooner bound up the coast and a little later saw the smoke of a steamer off on the port bow - This was bound down the coast evidently as the smoke gradually drew ahead of us & widened the distance
Birds seen as follows-
A small black Petrel with white rump. without doubt Cyrnochorea leucorhoa (Leach's Petrel) Also a pair of Fulmars like F. termirostris
[[strikethrough]] Had [[/strikethrough]] all the way from the Aleutian Is. for 800 to 900 males scarcely a day passed by 300+ specimens of a white bellied Petrel answering closely to description of Oceanadroma Hornby's were seen.