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[[strikethrough]] down in the PM [[/strikethrough]]

A dense fog came on in the eve & lasted from just before 5PM to 9PM - when it broke away - we got into 23 fathoms of water off Humboldt City & then stood out around Cape Mendocino light, which we saw very distinctly after the fog lifted, and kept on our course to the St all night -

The water was filled with phosphorescent animals 1/4 inch in diameter which showed more brilliantly than I have ever seen before. The Curling swell which was thrown off by the bow appeared sown thickly with pearly dots of rich light which at times flashed out in great beauty & richness -

The stars shed down a clear and gentle radiance overhead and jupiter showed conspicuously brilliant high above Orion -

Thursy Oct. 20th

The sky remained clear until the middle of the day and we could see the coast at a distance of a few miles its hills crowned with a heavy growth of Redwoods whose rounded tops could be made out with the naked eye and here & there a column of smoke rising in the column atmosphere showed where a mill or settlement was located. Later a dense fog shut down & hid everything for the rest of the day -