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in the employment of the estate in Settling with them. The balance he paid an [[?]] of his own. but did not exceed in our opinion his prorata share. Three bales more was sold by Mr Thomas all of the proceeds of which was applied to payments of the hands, for which the papers are here to show. And we know that the cotton above named fifteen Bales was all that Mr Thomas sold and which has been Satisfactory accounted for.  And we further know that he had nothing to do with the fifty one Bales Shipped, never did he receive one dime of the proceeds of that cotton as he is alledged to have had in accusations from the Bureau at this place for which he is now under fine of five thousand dollars to appear when wanted.
The administrater has no funds to pay the hands the balance due which is a Small and Compared to the Amt paid fourteen being paid in full, and Same Seven with balance due & only five of those hands that worked in the farm. Which the administrater has promised and will pay as Soon as he gots any funds in his hands, the agent of Bureau here would listen to nothing but says the balance must be paid immediately & hold Mr Thomas as hostage for their payment or