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Transcription: [00:42:38]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
With his right hand, he's working the mixer

What he's doing is when he's queuing up the record, he's he's turned the volume all the way down on that turn table.

When he's got it queed just right he'll flip it back up, flip the other one down.

When he's doing scratching, you only you're actually only hearing part of the scratch.
The whole time his right hand is moving up and down with the volume controls so he's got both hands working at different rhythms.

One controlling the turn tables the other the volume control knob on the mixer.

The last type of mixing which I'd like to discuss is a form called blending.

Now what we heard so far is putting two copies of the same record on the two different turn tables.

Now what I'd like to do is ask both of our DJs to give us an example of blending where you put two completely different records

on the two turn tables
You put a record by one artist on one, a record by another artist on the other

and this is sort of what you come up with.
First we'll have Grand Wizard Slide [Sly] with the Scanner Boys give us an example of this.

[[Music starts]]

This is record one here.

He's adding another record and while he's doing it he's speeding it up with his fingers to match the beat.

Two different records both at full volume on the mixer