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Transcription: [00:12:25]
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
There's rap, we call hip hop, where they be talkin' about this is fresh, this is cool, everything is nice, and things like that.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Maybe what we should do, for thos- those out there who haven't heard of rap, 'specially who haven't heard one other than on, the radio or recording, give- give us an example of, just a general rap, before we go into your style.
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
Alright, a general rap. Now, everybody if you wanna see, the brother, whose became of the poetry, I said the rhymes I say they are so big so listen to the number one MC of the year. Say 84 and I've just begun, because my rhyme's so strong and i'm on the one. And when you hear me rhyming, you'll be amazed, because the rhymes I say, I'll put ya all in a daze.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Perry has earned the reputation as- in Philadelphia as, perhaps, as the city's finest rapper, both for his, remarkable ability to just, impromptu, come up with rhymes like that, and his ability to change his voice. Let's talk about a few, of the styles of rap, the different styles, and, maybe give a few examples of some of those. Uh, maybe we should start with a message rap, since that's one that people have probably heard through the records.
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
Well, a message rap is like, a message rap, you would say, you have a friend, that he's down, you wanna rap about him, you might say, one of my friends, Joe, had nowhere, to go, no money, no cash, not even dough. He's a little guy, just sitting around, all he wanna do is just walk downtown, not having anything to do in the world. He ain't got the money, don't got a girl, can't get on the bus, can't go nowhere, but nobody knows and no one cares.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Now I think a lot of people out there, when they hear you say that, think, well, that's something he probably worked out, and wrote down, and then kept in his mind, and, when called on it, came out with it. Explain exactly what you just did with that rap.
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
Sheot,I don't even know nobody named Joe [[laughing]].
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
The, uh, the skill that Parry has is, is, somewhat rare among rappers. Nowadays, a lot of rappers will write their raps in advance, and, preform, the sa-, generally, the same rap time after time after time that you hear them on the stage. With rappers like Parry, who work really in a different style, every time they get on stage, they're coming out with something completely different, it's all, off the top of the head, it's, all, obviously, a skill, which has been honed into a real fine art. We heard that a message rap, there are a lot of other types of raps, some of the raps are defined according to tempo; there's a slow rap and a speed rap, for example. Now, Perry here is a superb speed rapper, saying the words so fast, that, at many points it's really difficult to understand what it was he's saying or, more often, has said. Could ya give us an example of just a piece of a speed rap.
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
All right, you might say something like, if flakes are in the nation to rock the population, I'm a motivator, dominator,heartbreaker boom shaker got the power, never sour, always ready to devour, in an hour, break it down, I never quit, I don't stop, because you know the soul shocked, rock a body like an MC that you will agree, and when I rock home, I'm acting like a 1, 2, 3.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Now, someone in the audience said, "say what?"
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Now if I was to ask that same question to Perry. And say, what did you just say?
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
I'd say, I'm the motivator, dominator, heartbreaker, boom shaker?, got the power, never sour, always ready to devour, in an hour, break it down I don't quit I'm in this life this or in a tower, I can't remember it now! 'Cause see, I just made it up! [[laughs]]
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
What about other types of rap, Money Man, can we get you in to do a, a bit of rap here for us, and tell us about your style, your style of rap is rather different from Parry's.
{SPEAKER name="Money Man"}
Yes, um, mine is basically previously writing stuff to get ideas, and then adding my own to it as I go along, getting the flow as the party goes with it.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
So, where do you draw your ideas from then, when- when you get up, behind the microphone at a party, you don't, improvise completely off the top of your head, right?
{SPEAKER name="Money Man"}
No, you can listen to the, if the, if the music is loud, you can rap about how loud the music is, how good the sound is, you could look at somebody, and look at their clothes, and rap about that, or you could rap about yourself, what you have on, or- what yo- what's your age, your zodiac sign, and all types of stuff off your head.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
How about writing raps, do you do any of that?
{SPEAKER name="Money Man"}
Yes, um, I first started writing raps when I first started to get ideas, you know, 'cause a lot of times, when you come to the stage, or perform, you don't know what to say right off hand.
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
Could you give us an example of your rap, so we could get an idea-
{SPEAKER name="Money Man"}
{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"}
How about a slow rap, and can we get a, a rhythm out of Parry [[laughing]]. Ha, yeah. This man- is also known as the human beat box, when you watch him on stage.
{SPEAKER name="Parry"}
No I'm not!
I'm not the real human beat box, there is a human beat box though.