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Transcription: [00:04:45]
{SPEAKER name="Horace "Spoons" Williams"}
My God, we are down here in a part of your world where all men are supposed to be free.
But oh Father God, torture is being used by the steel toes on shoes.
And a noose is a swinging in the tree.
Downhill, Father, woods is dangerous to walk in daytime or night because the shadows of death is nearby.
And the ropes in the trees is just wait in the breeze, because a black man must surely soon die.
Your old father was shot in the night field, man he was afraid [??]].
And the being of [[hounds?]] is sure death.
Yes, it's a lynchin' mob to do a job.
But first, they'll amuse themselves.
So with the wives and the daughters they'll get their full, while the husbands are tied to their bed, to be found the next day in a very crude way.
The husbands and their families are dead.
And oh Father, we are all hungry for just a little knowledge.
But I ignorously try to prolong, and it just ain't no justice yet for the black men house and can't he help but be wronged!
You see they closed most of the schools to us down here and we pay taxes, but afraid to vote.
Now, Father, what is that great constitution, that the so called white men wrote.
No, they don't want us educated, but they will sell us whiskey, wine, beer and gin.
And they will try to destroy our character and treat black women just like men.
But My God, you just let a white women say she's been insulted.
You know they'll hang the first black man they see.
They will cut off his fingers for trophies and drag his dead body through the streets.