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Transcription: [00:07:11]

{SPEAKER name="Horace "Spoons" Williams"}

Sure they'll hang any ole innocent black man,
and will laugh at his mother's tears, and only because he's been accused of a crime,
that the white man committed for years.
Oh Father God, they tie us to stakes down here and they tear our flesh with their whips
and we're fed like hogs and shot down like dogs.
And they dare us to part our lips. And we work in their fields everyday for pennies, from dawn to dusk,
but when the days are over, not even thanks is given us.
Oh Father God, our people are being hung and our churches are being bombed.
And high shares for dogs are being paid to use black jacks and lead on our people
head, but for this no arrest will be made.
If so, what's the use - they'll just turn them aloose.
And will pin golden medals on their chest.
And then they will hire some others because those other brave brothers will be sent out of town for a rest.
My Father God, the grass turned red, from the blacks who are dead and their bodies can find no rest.
Until the vultures have gone leaving only the bones and the hurt in black mothers' breast.
Oh Father God, you know we're made to fight in all their wars and they teach us to shoot their guns,
but as soon as they have won a victory you know our voices then begun.
Because the same soldiers that we fought beside to bring them a victory,
Oh Father God, they're some of the same who hide behind sheets, and destroy our family.
Oooh, you know they seem to forget about those days and nights when bullets zoomed about our heads,
and we all smoked from the same cigarette and we ate off the same piece of bread.
Now, Father God - you know that I believe in you - but I just don't think it's fair
for us to have to fight like hell down here, then do the same damn thing up there.