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Transcription: [00:17:52]
{SPEAKER name="Horace "Spoons" Williams"}
During my the place that I was born...I had very little chance of going to school.
I had people who were in my family that was, um, disabled, and, uh, I had people in my family that, uh, like a lot of people, were not concerned about particularly that type of work.
So there was a numerous amount of them who left the south at an early age like I did, and came north.
But so far as schooling is concerned, I think I have about a 4th grade education.
I served, uh, about 7 years in the service, and I was very enthused about learning, and a numerous amount of time I heard, uh, various debates pretending to say things that I thought was--well, had a meaning to them.
But I could never comment on them because I knew nothing about them.
However, as I began to venture here and there, some of the things I've heard debated upon I found the answer to.
And then later on I could speak on them.
But so far as, uh, being able to say that I finished high school, that would be a lie, because I didn't.
But I'm always eager to learn.
I believe at this present time, that my education came from, uh, people like the audience, and, uh, thank God, doing my stint in the service.