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Transcription: [00:00:11]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Renny, this is Renny Harris, better known in Philadelphia as Prince of the Ghetto.
Renny is the organizer of the Scanner Boys, and what he can do is introduce the crew, tell us a little bit about their history, and then we'll begin to look at a few of the dance moves.
{SPEAKER name="Renny Harris"}
Hello how you doing? Hello how you doing? Alright, I'ma introduce you to my crew.
I’m gonna give you a little background on them as I introduce you to them.
Right here to my left, we have Dave the Renegade. He was formerly in a group called Short Circuit.
Next we have the Hip-Hop Kid originally from the New York Bronx now living in Philadelphia.
He was formerly in a group called the Furious Rockers.
Next we have Wild Style, formerly the captain of the Twenty Five Starjammers, a very, very big group in Philadelphia.
Last we have Shalamar, formerly in a group called Short Wave- was that Short Wave, or...? Did I get it right?
Oh, I must have got it wrong, because he was in a lot of groups, you see.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
[Muffled] It was Shockwave.
{SPEAKER name="Renny Harris"}
Oh, it's Shockwave, I'm sorry.
Um, I know a lot of you are probably wondering how do you pop or how do you breakdance,
right? That's what I'ma try to do today, I'ma try to explain how you do that, okay?
Um, Be-before we do this, I'ma have everybody here say hi to you, because they think I dog the show, okay?
So, we're gonna have them pass the thing down and say hi to you. And you say hi back, okay? Okay?
[Crowd] Okay!
{SPEAKER name="Renny Harris"}
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
[Crowd] Hello!
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
[Crowd] Hi!
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 5"}
Hello, how are you today?
[Crowd] Hi!
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 6"}
[Crowd] Hello!
{SPEAKER name="Renny Harris"}
Now wasn't that nice? Alright.
[Crowd] Hello!
Alright, now since we got all acquainted now, we're gonna start to learn how to pop.
I want you to know that popping isn't very hard. Isn't very hard if you're very coordinated and if, if you're not coordinated, it's still, it's still is not hard, okay?
All you have to do is remember to put one part after the other, alright?
So, I'ma gonna give you a lil' quick lil' demonstration with my arm
and if you want you can stick your arm out to the side, but don't hit your partner next to you, okay?
Alright. It's like this, you have your arm out, the first thing you would do is put your hand down like this.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Come on, let's get some hands out over there in the audience!
{SPEAKER name="Renny Harris"}
Elbow. Yes, you can do this and it doesn't mean your funny or nothing.