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Transcription: [00:21:27]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Remember that concentration I told you about that Shalamar used to have? [[laughter]]
Seriously now.
Soundmen playing Gremlins.
You know it's very-- if you can notice his muscles tensing up. Can you see him shaking?
Very difficult, strong move. Body control. [[more beatboxing]]
Alright let's here it for Shalamar. Alright
I need two more questions and y'all going to vote on who y'all want to ask the questions.
Double hands
Can we do the California worm? We can do the Mexican worm. And the--no seriously we can do the California worm.
It's all actually done the same way. There's certain moves everyone does. Okay?
We'll do that on stage just for you, okay? Alright, here we go.
He just asked me can I do the wave? What kind of wave?