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Transcription: [00:27:30]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
hear the deadless sounds of bombs as they drop down from the sky

My God! I heard that mother say, "But this be none our fault, yet here lay dying is my infant babe who had not yet learned to walk,

and he brought no arms against any nations, he knew nothing of a command a baby bottle was all he held in his tiny hands",

and then my tears came streaming down but not because of faith but because those words that mother spoke I knew so well was right,

for every child from his mother's womb be that mother's greatest delight and man has no right to take her blessings

and teach it to kill or fight.

Well slowly I moved towards that heartbroken mother but her words pierced me through and through,

"Away with you young soldier" she said, "for you are a killer too"

and ohhhhh that hurt me so you will never know because, because at one time I was so proud I'd tell ya

I sported my medals for all to see, it was a hero to the crowds

but you know what really made it hurt so bad, well it was all my glory and my great pride,

I tell ya it left my heart a burning hell why I'd won them from babes that died.

Well then I picked that dead baby up, you know it I held it in my arms, again to hear that mother state,

"yes soldier, you helped to kill my son".

One night an old building that was once a church had been all but blown down,

well I wandered there to say a prayer and what was left of a cross I found and on that broken bit of cross was a part of the Christ's child arm

and the side of his holy body in which the spear was thrown--