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Transcription: [00:43:39]
[[music, which continues playing until 00:44:43]]
Host: Now he's on the second disk.
Host: Queuing up the first one again.
Host: Now back to the first one.
Host: Now, clearly the art is in not missing a beat.
Host: If you're working with dancers on the floor, you've got to be able to move from the first to the second to the first to the second without putting them off at any time.
Host: Let's have a hand for Grand Wizard Sly. [[clapping]]
Host: Now the sort of mixing that you heard there is really the most basic form, where you move from one turntable to the other, repeating that sequence of music. Sly was adding a few little things there; he was scratching the record a little bit, moving it forward greater than its original speed to get that particular sound, which allows you to add an extra beat or a set of beats to the rhythm track laid down on the first record.
Host: We'll be going more into that with Grandmaster Nell in just a few minutes. However, first I'd like to talk about different types of mixing, and here we'll turn to Grand Master Nell.
Host: This form of mixing, the purpose is simply to keep that beat, to keep that sequence of music that has the--the right beat playing, so that you can extend it endlessly. Often, however, DJs, when they're in competition, are not as concerned with keeping the steady beat for dancers as much as they are with doing something flashy with their turntables, exhibiting their speed in moving back and forth.
Host: So what has developed is a form of mixing known as 'speed mixing,' a form not heard as much on the dance floor as in competitions among DJs. Nell, could you tell us a little about speed mixing and how it's done?
Grand Master Nell: Yes, speed mixing is when you workin' both turntables constantly, going from the first turntable to the second turntable like-- you constantly just moving, like from this turntable, this one back to this one, this one back to this one, this one this one this one this one and this is, I'm just explaining to you right now, I want there to be a demonstration with speed mixing next.