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of all the dredging station of the Fish Commission steamers from 1871 to date, with all the data relating to the same.

The following statement shows the amount of cataloging done during the month:

[[ 4 columns]]

Group         | Entries  to   | Entries to    | Entries 
              | Dec. 31, 1889 | Jan. 31 1890  | in Jan.

Radiates      | 17369         | 17377         |  8
Crustaceans   | 14589         | 14647         | 58
Worms         | 4766          | 4780          | 14
Bryozoans     | 2840          | 2842          | 2
Foraminifera} | 6182          | 6240          | 58
Sponges.  }   |                               |
         Total|                               | 140