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Stoughton April 30 1933

Dear Doris

The last two days have been warm + spring like so that it begins to look as though we might dispense with some of our heavy winter outfit. I have not had any cold so far + dont mean to. so dont you worry any more about me. I am out of doors now the greater part of my time. I feel that after being shut in all winter, its now time to throw of my hatefulness in being as near to the mother nature as possible + renew my acquaintance accordingly. I have got our outside clothes changed + they are on the line. Pa hates to be washed more than ever. he simply wants to be let alone entirely, so in a way I humor him as much as possible as its no pleasure to me to antagonize him  in the condition he is placed though no doings of his. I went down town last night + Alice drew my attention to the window being open in the Blake house so on my way home, I stopped to Ralphs + left word to have him nail it down, as a good rain would wet the ceiling. then I stopped in to see Anna + Mort. they were pleased to see me once more + we talked over Gerard to our hearts content. they thought it a shame people who had