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Stoughton April 21st 1933

Dear Doris

This is a glorious sunny warm day. I have just come in from raking leaves from under the bushes in our back yard.  George + his wife came out & it seems their little hound came from Pensylvania [[Pennsylvania]] he is only 6 month[[months]] old they said.  he was homesick & is very quiet to day only when he sees me. I tried to pat him & make of him yesterday when he was crying & taking on. so he remembers me. poor little thing. I went down this forenoon with my books & paid my electric light bill & while I was down in the square, I happened to run across Jim & Ruby & Bertie so they brought me home.  Mary is about the same + Jim is so lame he says its [[it's]] hard for him to get about.  I told him I thought after the weather got warmer, he would get out in the warm sunshine & would feel much better. a ride home was a great lift.  I have got so I dread coming up this hill.  I think I must be grownin [[growing]] old, dont [don't]] you? I stopped to Alices with the books & got two more. they will go me over the weekend.  Tomorrow I must clean my front room. the curtains need doing up & windows are dirty. a little at a time & nothing very extensive.  Pa would get excited to have a carpet taken up.