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Stoughton April 19th 1933
Dear Doris, 
The wind flew cold all night and so for all day thus blue sky  once heat and some sun between clouds. it seems like a March day and about as cold. funny weather they are giving us its a holiday here. you are not getting any I take it. There is not much going on here every body thats got a ear is hiding. I have been sewing and reading all day it seems good not to hear it rain Doris Drake has been once to bring me some Magazines to read but said she had an object in view. it seems they are going to prepare two rooms themselves and wanted to know if I would pay for whitening the two culings, the man they were going to get to do it would do the job cheap. say two dollars for each one. I told her I would see about it. there is always something to worry one if not one thing its another. I dont know what to do. she has been cut down 10% on her job she said. I hate to turn her down for I am always sure of their rent and its the first favor they have asked me. they are both good girls Pearl only has work three days in a week. but is sure of her job as she examines the shoes before they go out of the shop