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Stoughton April 14th 1933

Dear Doris
This is another disagreeable cold stormy day but the wind does not blow. its warm enough so that the snow is going off fast + the grass is looking green. two big plump robins are hopping over the lawn. Pa is waiting for Harris to come + share him. but I have finally purswaided him to go up stairs to take his nap while I sit here + watch for him to come. the worst of it is we never know when he is coming. + he does'nt, he comes when the business lets him + there are not many waiting to be shared I suppose I have got my rug finished all but the last row.
your letter came with the check. I did not need it as there was enough without but I am going down tomorrow + will get it cashed. its funny you have not got my letters. I am writing every day this week. there must be a hold up some where. I hear Pa coming down. so he cant have slept long. he had it on his mind but will make it up to night. I hope it clears to night. this has been a gloomy clod week with no sun. but two days. this snow storm came late in the season