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meter the old one did not register, it was all rusted out. this one turns easily they said. Pa is content since it stopped blowing. he had two spells of coming into my bed during the night. he was scart [[scared]] & could not sleep it was a terrible storm. its still snowing, coming from the North West now its about three O'clock. We have just got through our supper. I made a batch of griddle cakes & that is what Pa likes best he could not wait for me to fry them so I had him sit right down to eat before they were all made & none of them went a begging now I can tell you eating is all the comfort the poor man takes so let him go it. Two little boys have just been here to see if I had an old radio they might have to set up in an old building they were fixing for a rendezvous. Buddie Dykeman & Joe Carras so I gave them that one up stairs we bought of Stanley Loring & glad to be rid of it, they gave me a dollar for it. Dykeman boy was the lad who gave me the bird bath or fixed it up for me after wards he is a good boy so are those Carases. well guess this is all I think of now Ma. 
PS I am going to send back the pictures a few at a time in each letter, but Alice is going to see them first, so you need not worry if they are delayed a bit. its terrible going so I may not get down there for a few days. but you will get them next week sure. Ma.