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Stoughton April 12th 1983

Dear Doris
This is a cold stormy day we have so many this spring I am sick & tired of them. No use of thinking to get out its cold here in the house even, Pa hovers around the kitchen fire. This is a bad day for Frank Drakes funeral. Last night there were 3 autos there at the house. I hate to ask Bruce for the rent, as I feel he is up against it & would certainly pay it if possible. I have got plenty of cash on hand & $30 in reserve. in fifteen days Drake pays his rent & theres all of his last payment I have not begun to use yet. so you see theres no use to worry about my being short yet awhile. I pay  my electric light & telephone bill & Oil next week aside from those bills theres not much I have to look out for. I have gone very light on oil all winter ouing to the fussing and its kept us without a clod I really believe. cold rooms to sleep in, the hot stone to keep us warm nights