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Stoughton April 11th 1933

Dear Doris
a half way pleasant day it was very frosty this morning it looks very much like a rain coming but we dont need it the Lord knows. We saw the bolt that struck the "Akron" over the ocean off the coast of New Jersey, go down & heard the thunder, although not very near us. 77 on board the big plaine & only one saved a terrible tradgedy if we allow ourselves to dwell on such things we might be gloomy a greater part of our time. all we can say is for mercy sake what is going to come next. the world is full of these horrors we are never safe from trouble. Frank Drake was taken sick Sunday & died Monday. now Evelyn is head of the family. her mother is sure to be upset by the sudden taking away of her husband. I pity the daughter she is very nice & sympathetic & now she has got the whole to bear. I have not got your package you spoke of in your letter but it will probably come the same as the almanac did to your folks. glad to know you got home all right in good condition. I have been telling Alice about your trip & she asked me yesterday if I would bring down the cards so she could see them. Maude was