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Roanoke VA
Sunday 9 Apr.1933.
Dear Folks:
We have been travelling fast since Friday noon and I haven't had any chance to write. We left Jacksonville at noon Friday and struck straight up thru Georgia on Highway #1, its a big U.S. Highway running from the tip of Florida up to Maine. We passed thru the center of Georgia, a flat low sandy country covered with pines, often with the turpentine cans attached. The farming country was all plowed for planting and with poor unpainted darkey shanties, not even having glass windows but just wooden shutters that are closed at night and when it is cold. We passed more razor back pigs than I ever saw before, - old sows with litters of all colored little pigs roaming freely over the country. It is a wonder they aren't all run over, - we passed 3 that were squashed.
We stopped that night at a poor but clean little lush of tourist cabins just this side of August Ga, which is on the border of S. Carolina. Yesterday we travelled thru both North & South Carolina, and crossed at sunset into Virginia. We are following a more inward course coming back. The route thru the Carolinas let thru all the cotton mills, and they have big ones there, located in a pretty country. At Winston-Salem we struld off the main