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Stoughton March 13th 1933

Dear Doris

This morning we awoke to find the ground covered white with snow. it has been cloudy all day, with a feeling of snow in the air & no sun. I am in hopes there will be no more snow.
 I hope your pictures I sent Friday in the letter got there all right. Pa said the big picture was good + the little ones he looked at but did not say much of anything. he looked at those papers you sent quite a bit at different times. he does not say much unless he gets keyed up & then he says too much. to day he is quiet as theres been nothing to excite him.

I am making apple pies they are a change & he likes them. I mean to use them up before they rot. they are of bright flavor & taste good. I mean to go down to Alices with my books I have just finished two when I slip down to put this letter in the box. I can just carry them down & he wont be the wiser & I wont have to hear him worry. at present he is walking the floor it is any thing but