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Stoughton March 1st 1933

Dear Doris

It is snowing hard + the wind had stopped during the night some time. so we shall have plenty of winter yet but may not be with us, long we may have two month of it I guess. My coal came to day + the oil yesterday, so I have enough to last through the cold winter. Pa was on deck early before 7 o'clock yelling for me to get up, for the coal was liable to come any minute, every body up + gone to work. + he kept it up 'till noon. nothing was right + the world was coming to an end to day sure. he heard the moter [[motor]] going on the truck + said it was our heater + wanted me to go down cellar + see I made him go down + he saw he was mistaken for once. it takes but a little to set him a going. I have got to go down tomorrow sure. I am on my last envelope + my books are due the fourth but I dread it. its nerve racking to hear him go on. he is mortal afraid of staying here alone. he is worried now over the heat. I have just turned on to get the room warm as theres [[there's]] no sun this afternoon. its still snowing hard. I have got $40 dollars up stairs + 32 dollars in my pocket book I dont [[don't]] think plenty now my coal & oil all paid for. dont worry we are provided for all right