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Stoughton February 24st 1933

Dear Children

This is a nice warm sunny morning. the paper said cloudy with rain & coole [[cooler]] for last night & Friday but it dont [[don't]] hit it so far. I have got a line full of washing & thus far it bids fair for a good day & above freezing. at this early hour its up to 40 degrees in fact it has a spring like atmosphere. the snow drops are up under the bay window & the buds showing white. The crows are very noisy mornings. waiting for their diet on birds & their eggs. I suppose those starlings are just as bad, they are very greedy. no robins have appeared up here so far.

Pa is full of his gloom & will be untill [[until]] the shaving is over with. he dont [[don't]] want me to work, just wait for something to happen. as it is surely going to & I hope it will before long. for all our sakes. time goes on & I thing it cant last forever. there is an end to everything. every dog has his day & I hope there is a just God.

Ralph asked me if this new administration was worrying you folks down in Washington & I said a little bit perhaps. as they hardly know how it will turn. I guess everybody feels anxious, over the affairs of this country, failure of the war debt & green democrat to undertake