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Stoughton February 13th 1933

Dear Doris 

The day is warm & sunny with plenty of snow under foot. I have just come in from shoveling my path & finding the steps & boards I have out under the clothes line. Also sifting lots of ashes that have accumulated during the storm. The wind is blowing but seems good to be able to open the back door without freezing. 

I have caught two big mice & I found a little baby mouse on the floor in the back room frozen. Came out for food & froze. After the old ones were gone. well too bad there may be more. no matter if they don't die in between the rooms where we can't get at them. I suppose the baby would like them to play with. 

It may be some little time before I can go through to Seaver Street, as there is no path & snow is deep. but the hot sun is going to settle it pretty fast. I hope this will be the last now its getting so late. New England was hard hit & this storm cost this town more than it can afford.

I hope you got my Saturday letter it was wet from