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more difficult as it was all up hill. but my courage was good and my heart strong. but by the time I got to the top of our hill. I was about all in & the snow was deeper & coming thick & fast but then I was most home again, I had just my chowder to warm up & soon rested up. then afternoon Pa wanted me to make a path for the paper boy, the one I swept early for the mail man & baker, was all filled up. so I made another & this morning before my neighbors were up long before eight oclock, with the temperature near the zero mark. I shoveled a wide path to the street on the side entrance & put out crumbs for the birds. I am rested up & feeling none the worse for the exercise. in fact it did me good. I dont like the snow but it will soon melt away. it seems like an old fashioned snow storm, all we miss is the slighs [[sleighs]] & bells on the horses. school days & father coming after me with the old horse & sleigh. they are things of the past, gone forever. Today its very sunny & a little warmer, & the month most half gone. we cant have many more like this I hope.

The baby is following in her mothers foot steps fast. her love for insects & animals is very natural. I dont think its necessary to have a dog as long as toddy is there to amuse her in a few years more she will be going to school. I have got her sweater most knit does she wear the other one? I am afraid she will out grow it too quick. let her have the good of it now before its too small.
