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Stoughton January 25th 1933

Dear Doris 

The ground froze last night but its still nice & pleasant outside. this weather cant [[can't]] last forever I fear. I warm the house up in the morning & the sun & kitchen stove do the rest. Only twice I have ordered oil this winter but will have to order some the last of this week. it is cheaper in this way. you can turn it off, when its not needed & coal you have to keep your fire, so to have your heat, when it gets cold. there is no bother to oil & its clean lots of people like it in their cooking stove but it depends on the stove, Mrs Dykeman never liked it she said it took too much oil it was expensive where others say they wouldn't be without it. I would never consent to having gas its dangerous unhealthy to plants. There is not much to write this time I have not been anywhere or seen a soul for most a week last night I put my letter in the box & come home through Tobins drive way. I wanted to stop to see how Mary Consel was getting along but Pa was here alone so I came directly home.