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Stoughton January 12th 1933

Dear Doris

Another rain in the night pleasant & mild today, this is not so bad for Jan. almost the middle of the month too winter is half gone already, but we don't know what the other half will be like. theres no use to "cross the bridge untill you get to it" though.

I wrote to Lena & sent the letter off this morning. I would really like to know if she is working she does not tell but goes a lot among her friends which she could not do if she was correcting papers.

We are enjoying the mild weather & are only heating up a while in the morning the kitchen fire does the rest. they say the mild weather is unhealthy & the colder snaps put an end to grip but theres no sense to that idea for me. give me the milder weather every time & I will risk the other.

I am glad that Dorris is learning so fast. she will enjoy reading her books her self & be less trouble to you both I hope.

I have paper enough you sent some xmas & there was a lot in the house besides. there is no need of any more