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We, the undersigned, doing business under the name of the "Five Black Birds", do hereby authorize William Powell of the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to negotiate and make complete arrangements for our performances at a special unemployment benefit under the auspices of the Associated City Employees Fund of Los Angeles, California, at the Los Angeles East-side Airport on or about the 6th day of December, 1931.  Mr. Powell is authorized to complete arrangements with said Associated City Employees Fund upon the following terms: 

Fifty percent (50%) of one-half (1/2) of the gross income from the sale of tickets for said exhibition after all the costs and expenses in connection with said exhibition have been deducted is to be paid to said "Five Black Birds."

We do herby guarantee that the "Five Black Birds" comprising IRWIN E. WELLS, MATHEW J. CAMPANA, WILLIAM V. JOHNSON, JOHN HENSLEY, WILLIAM AIKENS, FREITA SHAW, HUBERT JULIAN, MARIE DAUGHTRY and MARIE DICKERSON and WILLIAM J. POWELL, will perform at said exhibition.  

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set out hands and seals this 16th day of November, 1931.

/s/ Irvin E. Wells
/s/ Mathew J. Camparia
/s/ William V. Johnson
/s/ John Hensley
/s/ William Aikens
/s/ Freita Shaw
/s/ Hubert Julian by William Powell
/s/ Marie Daughtry by William Powell
/s/ Marie Dickerson by William Powell
/s/ William J. Powell
