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Transcription: [00:00:03]
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[[inaudible]] about SNCC.

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And where SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) is at, and what the problems are in regard to the Civil Rights Movement and in regard to SNCC.

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Now, White begins by saying that there is a dialogue, but it’s composed mostly of noise, but that underneath the noise and confusion which is rampant around the country there are some real issues to discuss.

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And he prefers to discuss these real issues in terms of four keywords: Militancy, Freedom Now, Integration, and The Power Structure.

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This article, I think, is dangerous because it will be read by a lot of people as though he has done his homework.

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The implication is that he’s a serious person about a serious discussion and that he’s really analyzing after having given considerable time and thought to the problems, what are really the key issues and what are really the key alternatives, and who the key people are and what roles they play.

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I think just the reverse is true; he hasn’t given a lot of time and thought to that article. It was probably done very hastily and probably done with the killing and assassination of Kennedy in mind. And it’s dangerous just because it gives that appearance and hides behind something that it isn’t.

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He first makes a dichotomy and says that militancy--