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Transcription: [00:41:48]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
...the statements of Professor of [[?]] in his enunciation of the lost state of Mississippi.
You think this is a um an extremely important breakthrough or [[cough]]
of his uh statements go [[?]] unheeded?
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
Well, I think uh that that is an important breakthrough and that what's hoped for is that uh that the rest of the country will heed what he says.
And that what you have down in Mississippi and I think is typical of other parts of the deep South is in fact they have a closed society
and that the problem is broader than this just innovation, it's the problem of whether or not you can have in the deep South now an open society.
And I'd like to say in connection with that in regard to the question about Kennedy's assassination that uh um
Mississippi of course ran an election, in which the major theme in the past month and a half was K.O. the Kennedys.
And that uh now the Kennedys are in fact K.O.ed and those billboards if you ride through the state are still up.
Big billboards and they say, 'K.O. the Kennedys'.
And the the theme of the election for both the Republicans and the Democrats were that the Kennedys are in fact a uh menace to the national political scene,
and uh the administration and themselves have to go.
And I think that that has a great deal to do with creating the kind of atmosphere in which somebody can get away with uh [[cough]] uh-
[[cross talk]] pulling the trigger.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
[[cross talk]] May I butt in [[?]]
if it isn't true but the main issue at election that re-election in Mississippi was which group hated Kennedy worst.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
That's true and the uh the Republicans were saying that uh what they had to do was establish a two party system ah in order to act as, each party to act as segregation watchdogs over each other and to prevent the national administration from gaining control in Mississippi.
The Democrats were saying was that what you needed was just one party for exactly the same reason that that was the only way to maintain control.
Both of their themes was that they both uh could outdo the Kennedy brothers.