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Transcription: [00:10:54]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
All the finances and the economics of our country.
He says however, and this is true, that we have influence only at one point in what we describe as a power structure and that's in federal government.
What he says that we're trying to do is blackmail the federal government into spreading and using its power wherever it can in all the other elements of the power structure to gain what we want, which is freedom.
Now that's true.
The problem is, that he doesn't like that. [[laughter]]
And if he were honest, he would say that.
Instead of saying as he does, that this is not the real problem.
That the Negro is not this is not the way to gain his freedom.
This is not he is not now somehow grabbed a hold of the essence of some of the problems in the country.
He says instead, that the essence of the problems are in the big cities. Not in the power structure of the country, but in the sweltering mass of the big cities
And he says that what we really must do is return to the big cities and fight in the slums to bring about a renewed feeling of hope among juvenile delinquents.
Now in essence that's what he says.
And it's important to understand that because if this article takes off like it probably will then it will be a national debate.
And what he's done is try to focus where the problem is but the problem is not with the juvenile delinquents, in the big cities.
The problem is exactly where he started it, or started to focus on it, the problem is with the power structure of this country and we can change it, so that it works
To our advantage.