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Transcription: [00:00:23]

{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}

Well I've pressed that's a very good question, it's divided in two parts.


First, is it only a presumption that we're on the way or pretty far along a Garrison State.


No, it's a good deal more than a presumption.


I am going to quote a general, named Dwight Eisenhower, who was President of the United States, who warned against the military industrial complex, which has such power.


A Garrison State is a state in which the final decision is largely determined by military considerations.

In our times, you don't have to live like Spartans to be under a Garrison State, but this leads me to a partial answer to your first question.


I said, and it would take me charts and the rest of it to prove it.


I said that the proper basis for prosperity isn't a expenditure on things, that nobody uses.


Piling up things we don't use, weapons enough to destroy the world, is not through a economic process. It's a political progress, necessitating some people think for defense.

Maybe it is, but I am saying this is an additional reason to work for disarmament under international control and other things necessary for peace.

I am saying that if you have to have it for defense, you've got to exempt pretty much of a Garrison State.

Now, I will agree, I think, that in a Garrison State there can be civil rights, that is to say, everybody be treated as long as their jobs

but civil rights in principle and in theory, certainly are a part of civil liberties and there can't be civil liberties because of the discriminations of the Garrison State are [[acted?]] along the lines of what you think

and I don't think that I want to conquer unemployment by a draft.

Spending so many anointed men into the army, every year
This isn't the way I want it done.

Now, maybe I'm being unfair you're preoccupied with a tremendous struggle,

but it is a struggle, that can't be separated from other struggles and I, I just want to remind of this