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Transcription: [00:02:28]
We've got a Garrison State, partly because, the way you get re-elected to Congress,


in the House, is very largely: 'How much bacon did you bring to the district?'

that means military contacts, not schools.


Not hospitals.


Military contacts. Not education. Military.

That's what I mean.

I mean that when Eisenhower, I think [[??]] said five million workers are polling directly independent.

A lot of corporations make their profits out of, they might make them otherwise.


A third of all our engineers and scientists are devoted to it.

Um, half of all our research money is not unoften pulled out of unemployment,


but how can you, how can you get more deadly weapons(--)scientifically.

This is a characteristic of a Garrison State


and it is not in that atmosphere that you will get the fair and full employment,


which you and every other decent American wants to have.

That's as good as I can do in a short time.


[[background voice]]

We would like [[??]] one more point tonight gentlemen and I'm sorry, I cannot I [[inaudible]]


It has been the, uhm, Department of Defense (--)


in many instances with [[??]] of, uhm,


government contracts, in the Southern states, with corporations that located their facilities in Southern states


they have been the forerunner in,


acquiring and maintaining and acquiring that these corporations


exercise the system of fair and employment for all


and that these persons be heard, regardless of their race, [[breed?]] Or color.

Do you not agree that it has been

the Department of Defense has been a forerunner in, granting, full and impartial employment?

{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}
