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Transcription: [00:41:20]
{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
You know, that one can count on to do to stop that.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
The only thing, the ultimate thing they want do to stop it is somehow liberate- get this thing off the ground.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
What we're doing off the ground and channelize it- all that energy into this, that's the job as I see it.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
But we are in great danger, that is one of the dangers and I really can't give you any answer.


{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Bald, you didn't suggest that we would come to the movement but I know a lot of people have the idea in their mind that they should come to the movement and you go to college and all your kids leave and all the people with masters and people with bachelors will tell you that you're supposed to be objective and you're supposed to go to a primary source and not a secondary source.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
So when we have instructors telling that the Black people was doing this, or that the Black people was doing that, they say I know because I have read a book about the Black movement when they have never come to the temple which is in walking distance.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
So I went there and I got an invitation and it wasn't necessary, but I got a friendly invitation from the head of the sociology department to go visit the Black movement and I wanted to extend it to everyone here.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Don't read about the Black movement and come to conclusions, you go and ask them.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
You ask them and if you don't understand them, you speak to them in a private session and try to understand.

{Unknown Speaker 2}
I'd like to go to the next meeting.

[[crowd laughter and applause]]

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
I don't... I'm not sure I understand the nature of your question.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
I don't think there's any point, we have certainly other things to do then sit around contending with the Muslim movement.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
I myself, have never-- I'm not trying to be frightened of the movement as a movement.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
And it's one more symptom of the danger in which we stand.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
As the Muslim theology, as theology goes, it's no better no worse than any other, I guess, you know?

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
As with social action it seems to me, you know, incomprehensible.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
I don't know what they intend to do, but you are quite right-- you know?

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
On the other hand you're quite right one should not being told what to think, especially not by the subjective professors.

{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
But on the other hand, one shouldn't brainwash oneself either.