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Pa does not care for soups but eats cookies & sweets that are not so good for him. but what can you do he will do as he pleases in spite of you. I am going to stew him up his prunes he likes them. & they are good for him; Mrs Ballentine has her brother over in his back yard puttering around with her. she hired a man to put up a fence between her lot & Franks tenement house & now she wants it painted but I told her she could do it herself but she is afraid it will be too much of a job I suppose. I painted a lot while the paint was handy to me & it was fun. I wish there was something I was able to do now, every thing now seems a task, even to move around. They have got a young man up here with his rifle laying in wait for the big fat squirrel, it has just run down our path through the back yard & Mrs B is over here watching to see when he comes in sight. Seriae her brother, is raking around the yard. Mrs B is very neighborly & comes up to the window to say a word now and then. she was all in yesterday with the heat of the day, it was terrible hot. Pa is moving around he is uneasy & wants his supper I suppose. so perhaps its as well to get some for him. since supper I have had a fine nap & now I have taken in my clothes I washed early in the day. Kate Flemming is in the hospital for a shock for I asked the nurse. she had no one to take care of her poor woman but she must have some money as she has worked all her life in the shoe shop. Ma