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PS Iema & Jack just been to see me. Jack was bound to know how I was after the hospital racket. he says they will do the job as they understand their business. he is feeling much better & says a week will do a good deal for me of that treatment, no more rubbing on of the Iodex it does not reach the nerve center. he is not worrying over my nourishment. the eating of meat causes uric acid & that goes to cause this sciatica. poison to get rid of is their first main object to build on a firm foundation is what they aim for. Jack feel quite chipper & he says I will after a while. Mrs Gilger says we are governed by the planets hence all these accidents that are going on around us. & the rheumatism her boys sickness she lays to the same cause. there is something to it but I never made it a study but she has Ma

Dear Doris
We are in the midst of another hot wave. no air but since noon it has started up a bit & am in hopes it may be cooler.
I called up the Stoughton Hospital last night for them to come up to give me a treatment & they said they could not bring up their instruments but would treat me there in far better shape where there was everything to do with & said they would come up around seven o'clock & make their plans. so he & a nurse drove up & investigated the case & said he would get me out of it. so to day they came up a nurse & man to drive the car & took me down to the hospital & gave me a good treatment. first a powerful light so hot as I could bear it & then turned me over & treated the small of the back then fastned my leg & made me lay flat on my back & poured the juice through my nerve for a great long spell then they rubbed me down with something strong the nurse did most of it but Dr. Brider was the principal factor all through the treatment & last he gave me an osterpathic treatment I should think it would answer for it. it was the [[underline]]darndest[[//underline]]