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Stoughton July 28th 1933
Dear Doris
Your two letters came to day I was glad you were having a rest from your hot spell + hope it will continue. Ethel Wales had a double dose she was very foolish to start on such a trip with her brood of youngsters + has learned a lesson I hope.
Last night about seven O'clock Alice, Charles widow marched in on me. it seems she is working up to South Stoughton near the depot doing housework for a man + his son. he works in Belchers factory + the son is an electrician by trade he brought her down in his auto + she only gets $2.50 a week which she thinks pretty small pay after getting ten a week for nursing. Servall Matties husband, she says is failing. he is liable to drop off in his sleep so Faxon told them. I got pretty tired as the son left her hire while he went to Brockton so before I went to bed I drank a cup of milk with an egg beaten up + ginger instead of nutmeg to keep me up during the night + it went to the right spot. my suffering during the night was intense + wore me out but I am on deck to day after sunning my leg out the back door. Harris came to day + shaved Pat also gave him a hair cut + he