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they are going through much trouble at home with Edward. I hope to hear that he is better. she is always doing for others she always likes to help people who are in trouble like my mother - but no one thinks of helping her, she has seen nothing but trouble all her married life. her husband is a selfish man to all appearances. I have got two of your eggs left one I cooked for Pa was no good it was brown. My cucumber vine over the back steps was well grown + kept moist + has now begun to blossom. Those brown [?]eyed daisies are in full swing. at their prime, very showey [[showy]] soon the snow on the mountain will look fine. but I have not the courage to go out to see them, it seems to much of an undertaking to do anything my will is good. but courage lacking. who would think it would be so in such a short time. think of my pleasure to get away from the house to go down town and do my errands. will it ever be so I can do it again? well time works great changes + we are only sure of the present. the future we can only look forward to. I am going to start my grill for supper now Pa is soon to come down + get uneasy he is just been peeking to see what I am doing. He came down + is obstinate as a mule + said I was crazy he is upstairs again now with his paper. quiet all day + crazy by spells so he shakes his fists at me + swears. pleasant atmosphere to be in isnt [[isn't]] it. Ma

Transcription Notes:
The writing shifts from pen to pencil between "what I am doing." and "He came down"