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Sometimes things are brought about all night at the last, I suppose it all comes that way with the most of us. I hope to get out of this trouble sometime but guess it will stand out as a very prominent era in any life. and will be remembered as the worst I have ever passed through & coming on top of over two years of nerve racking care I have given to Pa no one need to say "Oh! why did she have it" its no wonder it was sent. my nerves were the cause. shut in here in this atmosphere. it used Lena up in a couple of months. theres no way to throw it off. he has slept all the afternoon & will sleep all night. this morning after an all nights fight with suffering around fire I dropped off to sleep. then he came in creaking & touched my arm & that woke me up he didn't know any better. but I might have had a mornings nap & it would have meant a good deal to me. Ma

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections