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some they were never more showy. I even was surprised last night when I happened out & saw them. they had blossomed & the sun had not been on them for three days to fade them. I am looking some for Anna, but she may not venture up in this hot sun. it keeps me on anxious seats, as Pa & I have our supper early always & she may not come till the last thing. since supper Mrs. Gilzer sent Edward over with a bowl of ice cream, her own make, without starch & last night she sent me a box of brownies, made with brown sugar & nuts, Pa likes them & I have not eaten, they are very crisp, made of butter, its better to avoid sweets at present at least. Alice has just called up saying given Mira her dining room to sleep in & moved her table into the living room. she has now four boarders & three children to tutor she has not heard from Mystie since that first letter. I hope it may be so I can sleep tonight but can never tell. sorry you are roasting its hot here. Pa is up stairs reading his paper. terrible hot there. I dread going into it to sleep myself, but will take a hot bath & guess I'll survive perhaps it will induce sleep. Anna has just called up saying Will Curtis was dead, Morts half brother. Ardelias first husbands child I used to play with him as a child living at his grand mothers aunt Sally Woods. Funeral tomorrow. Ma. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections