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Stoughton July 14th, 1933


I am getting in a little more sleep nights & had a good nap after breakfast. I made chowder for my dinner yesterday & had it for my supper also. am making the rest of it up for dinner to'day. it tasted good. to put a lot of evaporated milk gives it a good flavor, with butter added in rich quantity 

Harris is here now shaving Pa it still continues to be nice cool weather. Pa hangs around me & does good work & tells me that I am failing very fast & so is he. last night he shook hands the last thing saying he would not be here in the morning. he is tramp[[guess]] in over head most of the time

I remained in the sun yesterday two hours & my leg got very red & sunburned. guess I over did the thing, but did not blister it, made it a little ichy. I am cooking up my chicken to try & get rid of it before it spoils & going to make junkets for my supper. have not seen Mrs Gilzer yet she had callers till late last night & then she & her husband went off to ride & I went to bed as usual & slept quite a bit more then I have before. Ma 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections