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as they want to do all they can around the house & not to plunge themselves in going into debt towards making too many alterations at first, but try to get along with as little expense as possible so get the house paid for as soon as they can.  I think they have money enough to buy it according to what she says.

Night before last I stood the pain till around midnight & came down & got my oil & took a darn good dose in less than an hour. You would have thought they were blasting rocks. You may believe it was a great relief. Their was nothing but gas until morning & I have felt much better since I have had today good clearings out & [[fick?]] thats what it requires as gas is the cause of much of my suffering. Every time I go out in my back room it seems so good to find such a supply of coal & kindlings, but it must have been hard on you two mortals to try it up but I assure you & appreciate it & all the rest of the things you did for me in trying to make it easy as you could. Have you got any rest since you got back? I hope not been able to take any more sun baths since the day I over did it on account of so much cloudy weather. Pa does the trotting after things & saves me some steps.  He is pretty hard to understand but does the best he can poor man. Hope you are well. Don't worry but trust the Lord for mercies to come out of so much affliction.  Ma

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